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NODIA CBSE Social Science Class 10 Chapterwise 20 Years PYQB

 Author: NODIA  Category: CBSE, Class 10  Publisher: NODIA Press  Published: January 1, 2024  ISBN: 9789384843625  Pages: 490  Country: India

NODIA CBSE Chapter-wise Question Bank includes every question from all 63 sets of papers of the last 20 years (2024-2005). It is based on a chapter-wise format as per the latest syllabus issued by CBSE on 23 March, 2024. It includes MCQs, very short, short and long type questions as per new exam pattern. It contains more case study questions than any other book. This question bank highlights knowledge and skill based questions to prepare the subject thoroughly. It will help you study and practice well.
